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Pre & Post Wax Care

Pre Wax Tips

• Stop shaving 3-4 weeks before your first appointment 

Hair length should be about a 1/4 inch (the length of a grain of rice). Ideally, 4 weeks

of growth, but 2.5-3 weeks will suffice. If the hair is too short, the wax does not have anything to grab ahold to, therefore less than 2 weeks of hair growth will not be accepted.

• Exfoliate & Moisturize prior to your appointment

The night before your appointment, exfoliate the area to be waxed with an exfoliating glove (can be found in the bath section of Target or Walmat). This will remove the top layer of dead skin to help achieve the best results. Moisturizing is also a very important step! It keeps those follicles plump and hydrated to allow for proper hair removal. However, if showering same day as your appointment, skip the moisturizer! But be sure to use it that evening.

• Stop any usage of actives

72 hours prior to your wax, stop any usage of Retin-A, Retinol, OTC Retinol, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (i.e. glycolic, lactic, mandelic), Beta Hydroxy Acids (i.e. salicylic), Renova, Differin, or any other acne meds. Antibiotics can make your skin sensitive as well. If you have a concern about a medicine you're taking, always ask! It is your responsibility to disclose all medicines and topicals you are taking or have taken recently. Accutane users must be off the medicine at least 6 months to receive waxing treatments.

• Make sure to take the edge off!

Some clients find taking an OTC anti-inflammatory (i.e. Ibuprofen or Advil) will help relieve the pain and tenderness associated with waxing. Always confirm with your doctor before taking any medications.

• How to avoid a histamine reaction

Some clients find taking an oral OTC antihistamine (i.e. Benadryl) or applying topically (i.e. Benadryl cream) will help reduce the chances of a histamine reaction. A histamine reaction is very common with waxing (especially the first few waxes). This reaction DOES NOT mean you are allergic. It is simply your bodies reaction to "trauma" (due to the hair being removed), but since there is nothing to heal, little white bumps can form. Taking or applying an OTC antihistamine reduces this reaction from happening. 

• Bring lose pants & clean underwear for after your appointment

Be prepared by having lose shorts or pants plus a clean pair of underwear for after your wax treatment. Too tight clothing post wax can cause irritation and ingrowns. Clean underwear reduces the transfer of bacteria into the freshly waxed follicles.

Post Wax Tips

• Avoid excessive heat & sweat to reduce irritation & infections

Avoid hot showers and baths, exercise, intimate activities, public bodies of water (i.e. pools, lakes, rivers, oceans), and tanning beds 24-48 hours post wax. Non-compliance can result in irritated and even infected skin due to contact with bacteria.

• Exfoliate & Moisturize

To help avoid ingrown hairs, start exfoliating with a exfoliating bath glove and scent-free body wash 48 hour post wax. Sooner can lead to irritation. Exfoliate every time you bathe to keep dead skin from building up resulting in ingrown hairs. Begin moisturizing the same day as your wax with a  gentle, scent-free moisturizer. Keeping the follicles hydrated and plump is also key for keeping ingrown hairs from occurring. 

• Wear cotton underwear or go commando at night

Wearing cotton underwear or going sans underwear for a few days post wax will allow your skin to breathe. 

• Schedule your next wax within 4-5 weeks

Keeping a wax schedule is incredibly important to get your hair all on the same growth cycle. It takes about 3-5 waxes to get the hairs on the same cycle. Once this is achieved, you will be hair-free for longer periods of time. 

• Do not shave in between appointments

As mentioned above, it takes 3-5 waxes to get your hair on the same growth cycle. Shaving in between appointments will prolong these results from occurring. Also, please know that hormones, medicines, and supplements can change growth cycles as well.

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